Reference no: EM132808503
Aseptic Techniques
1. Be aware of where bacteria can be found, and what are the environmental factors that influence the growth of bacteria.
2. Understand the process and importance of labeling and incubating agar plates properly.
3. Learn the aseptic techniques practices necessary to prevent cross-contamination
4. Identify growth of bacteria on the surface of an agar plate, a nutrient broth, and an agar slant.
5. Use colony number estimates to reach conclusions about amount of bacterial growth.
6. Determine the effects of handwashing on bacterial abundance. Determine the effects of bench disinfection on bacterial abundance.
7. Define: pure culture, contamination, aseptic techniques.
8. Know the characteristics of broth medium, bacterial slants, and agar plates.
9. Identify the steps of transferring from broth to broth, slant to slant, and broth to plate.
Attachment:- AsepticTechniques-Lab Report.rar
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