ASB 2117 The Marketing of Services Assignment

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132583742 , Length: word count:1200

ASB 2117 The Marketing of Services - Bangor Business School

You are required to analyse a recent service encounter that you experienced, and interpret it using analytical frameworks from the module, and make appropriate recommendations to the provider of that service.

You should aim to achieve a balance across the whole report by focussing carefully on the suggested word lengths for each section of the assignment (250 to 300 words) - analyse the situation (section 1, 2 and 3), with extensive discussion only in the Recommendations (section 4).

TASK 1. Introduce, concisely, the service encounter that you experienced - make sure you choose one that has an element of face-to-face interaction with the service provider - any doubt as to suitability of the situation you propose to assess then please check with me. Analyse the encounter using the 5 characteristics of services, clearly identifying the `core' service and the supplementary aspects surrounding the core, and use Lovelock's classification (Lecture 1) to consider the nature of the service act and the recipient of the act.

TASK 2. Use the Servuction model (Lecture 2) and the customer/provider interaction framework (also Lecture 2) to identify the challenges that the provider faces during service delivery.

TASK 3. Evaluate your interaction with the provider using a ServQual evaluation (Lecture 3) to compare, your experience of the service with your expectation.

TASK 4. Model the service interactions using the 'blueprint approach' (Lecture 4) to generate concise recommendations to the service provider.

Complete the above task in an essay of word length 1000-1200 words.

Reference no: EM132583742

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