ASB-2109 Marketing Research Assignment

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132583726

ASB-2109 Marketing Research Assignment Help and Solution, Bangor University - Assessment Writing Service


This marketing research project is intended to extract customer insights regarding consumers' motivation to eat high calorie snacks. A representative sample of American consumers was obtained via the crowd sourcing platform Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). The research used the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB; Ajzen, 1991) as a base theoretical model. The objectives of the research are as follows:

1. Assess the relevancy, adequacy, and predictive power of the TPB in understanding consumers intention to eat high calorie snacks.

2. Assess the role of other influencing factors (desire, anticipated regret) that might provide additional explanatory power beyond the TPB predictors (attitude, SN and PBC).

3. Determine if the TPB model operates equivalently across (a) gender, (b) weight aim (losing/maintaining/gaining weight), and (c) BMI category ('underweight'/'normal weightToverweighlrobese)

Your report should be written in a style and format suitable for a reader who is an advisor on healthy eating for either the food industry or policy makers. The report should be a stand-alone document containing all necessary information regarding the whole marketing research project (excluding details on the research methodology).

In order to achieve the above aim and objectives your report should encompass the following:

1. an executive summary (of no more than 100 words 5%)

2. an introduction to the obesity and (high calorie) snacking problem in the USA, with a brief outline of the TPB (around 500 words 20%)

3. report of the analysis and discussion of the resultant findings (around 800 words) on
a. the sample profile.
b. a descriptive analysis of the mean values of the TPB model and other influencing factors (desire, anticipated regret) (use averages). b. two chi-square analyses that would provide useful insight to the reader.
c. multiple regression analyses that would fully address objectives 1 to 3.

4. a discussion, limitations, and recommendations section (around 400 words).

Attachment:- Marketing Research.rar

Reference no: EM132583726

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