As a member of an it staff how can you use social media to

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Reference no: EM13463837

Information Systems Management - Two 200 word essays, really easy APA format

1. As a member of an IT staff, how can you use social media to support e-commerce? You can search business websites to find good practices of using social media in e-commerce.

2. Briefly discuss the various organizational approaches to managing ethics within an IS?Compensaton and Benefits - Four 300 word essays original work APA format 

3. Compare and contrast cash-balance, defined benefit, and defined contribution plans. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. Explain why organizations are making increased use of them.

4. Describe the major components of an executive compensation plan, and discuss the effect reverse discrimination has had on the design of these executive compensation plans. In what way has legislation affected these plans? Use specific examples to support your answer. 

5. Compare and contrast defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans. Describe ESOP and the features of 401(k), IRAs, SEPs, Keogh, SIMPLE, Roth, and Education IRA plans.

6. Describe the major components and issues of compensation at a foreign location. Explain the differences found in expatriate and host-country compensation.

Reference no: EM13463837

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