Reference no: EM132368659
Generate a 2-page infographic fact sheet that is intended for the exercise scientist and/or exercise physiologist to use as a guide when designing, implementing and interpreting a test, and when discussing the test with a client athlete.
Learning Outcomes
In part, this assessment task feeds into three of the Unit Learning Outcomes for HSE304. As such, completing this assessment task will contribute to you being able to:
1. articulate the physiological determinants of sports performance (ULO 1) by articulating the importance of V?O2 max to endurance sport performance.
2. show an awareness of the physiological limits to sports performance (ULO 2) by demonstrating the factors that determine the physiological boundaries placed on V?O2 max
3. evaluate sports performance using accepted physiological testing methods (ULO 4) by presenting the advantages and disadvantages of alterations to methodological characteristics (including mode of exercise) to determine V?O2 max{
For this assessment task you are required to generate a 2-page infographic fact sheet that provides a number of features for the target audience. Such as an overview of the aims of a V?O2 max{"
Some factors/information you may consider for inclusion:
• Definitions of V?O2 max{"version":"1.1","math":"<math } and V?O2 peak
• Potential outcome measures for the test
• Recording parameters applied and analysed
• Factors that determine the structure of the test, e.g.:
o exercise mode
o stage duration
o stage increments
o test duration
• Other factors to consider when administering a test, e.g.:
o Participant encouragement
o How to identify when nearing completion of the test
o Safety
• Expected values according to fitness, age, sex, sport
• Estimating V?O2 max
The fact sheet should be directed towards a practising exercise scientist and/or exercise physiologist to use as a guide when designing, implementing and interpreting a V?O2 maxtest, and when discussing the test with a client athlete. As such, it may act as a quick go-to guide when working with athletes from various sporting backgrounds and experience.
Page-1: infographic
Page-1 should be presented largely as an infographic. It will likely comprise your key messages and be more targeted towards an athlete than a practitioner given that the volume of material able to be presented here is limited. It is expected that this page will be informative, but provide a more creative visual perspective of the key areas associated with the test.
Page-2: fact-sheet
Page-2 should also be presented in a creative and attractive format that is consistent with the infographic on the reverse. It is expected that this will contain a greater level of detail/information to reinforce and extend on the key messages contained in the infographic. However, again there is limited space so you will need to make decisions about the level of detail to provide and for which key messages to include. This page will more likely be targeted toward the practitioner and someone with a familiarity with the test.