Articulate and explore the many and varied languages

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Reference no: EM133538480



1. Personally explore the languages of art and materials
2. Demonstrate that you understand how to play and experiment with materials through documentation
3. Get to know your artistic self. For this task, you are the artist.
4. Apply the unit readings and resources to your own artistic process

Learning outcome 1: Articulate and explore the many and varied languages of human expression through personal, social and philosophical perspectives.

1. You are to choose one chapter (from chapters 2 - 5) from Encounters with Materials, exploring the material and the concept within to create your artistic work, through one (main) artistic language.

2. Use an additional reading of your choice to support your understanding of how artistic languages are form of communication and expression.

3. Document your process of play and experimentation with the material.

To get started on your assessment task, please follow the instructions below:

1 Choose one chapter from Encounters with Materials in Early Childhood that you will respond to for this assessment task (from Chapters 2 - 5) and read it thoroughly, making notes and reflecting as you read.

2 Select one other reading from the unit, either from eReserve or within session 1 - 3, to support your discussion of your artistic process and how it relates to communication and expression.

3 Get your hands on the material. Play with it. See what it can do. Use the Material Inquiry Document (from Session 1) to guide your thinking and provoke your exploration. Try to approach the material without an outcome or product in mind.

a Clay - use actual clay, not playdough, not modelling clay. Use something as close to 'earth' as you can.
b Paint - any kind of paint is fine, even paint made from materials around your kitchen or home.
c Charcoal - you can buy artist's charcoal, or use charcoal from a fire
d Paper - explore the different kinds of paper available, there are more than you'd think!

4 Document - take notes, photos, videos, get someone else to film you. Document what you are doing with the material visually. Document what you are thinking, feeling, being challenged by, as you play and experiment with the material. Document how you are thinking about the associated concept in Encounters with Materials, and how you are connecting to ideas from the other reading from the unit. Consider personal, social and philosophical perspectives about the material and your experience of it. Consider how you can communication with and through the material.

5 Determine what you will present as your 'final art work' - this might be something that you did at the start, beginning, or end of your play and exploration with the material. It is something that visually respresents your whole inquiry into the material.

6 Refine your documentation. Include the best parts of your play and exploration. Make clear links, referenced correctly with in-text citations, to the readings. Connect what you are doing, thinking and feeling, to ideas in the readings.

7 Write a 200 word artist statement in which you make clear links to the readings you are responding to. This is a summary of your journey of play and exploration and how you determined your 'final artwork' as representative of this journey. Make clear links to the readings. See the following for general tips on how to write an artist statement: Agora Gallery

8 Choose what program you will use to present your written and visual documentation

a It could be photos on a Word Doc, PowerPoint, a Padlet, a video, an audio recording, a combination... there are many possibilities. This relates to how a teacher might document and showcase children's explorations here - but for this task, you are documenting and showcasing your own.

9 Ensure you have referenced all sources correctly, using APA7, with in-text citations throughout your documentation and your artist statement, and a Reference List at the end.
10 Upload your work to the Drop Box.

a Any written text must be submitted as a text document (this can be in addition to text appearing on a video, for example)

b Padlets or similar need to be saved as PDFs
c Videos uploaded to the web (eg YouTube) and submitted as video links - no video files please
d Please minimise the number of files you submit for this task.

Tips for your documentation:
Use the tips in Session 3 in the article about Process-Focussed art

Do not include how you followed step by step instructions to make something

Do not approach the material with an end product in mind, just play and experiment first!

Make frequent connections back to the associated concept in Encounters with Materials in Early Childhood Education, and your other chosen reading. For example, if you are working with clay - how are you thinking about the concept of ecologies? How is clay provoking your thinking about communication and expression? How are you connecting to clay personally, socially, philosophically?

Reference no: EM133538480

Questions Cloud

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What experiences have you had that make your thoughts : What experiences have you had that make your thoughts seem more real than your senses, or your senses seem more real than your thoughts?
Develop a market segmentation for your idea : Strive for specificity. In addition to listing potential industries, also list the markets, market segments, and prospective and end users.
Articulate and explore the many and varied languages : What you are thinking, feeling, being challenged by, as you play and experiment with the material. Document how you are thinking about the associated concept
Describe the hindu trinity and the role of each part : Describe the Hindu Trinity and the role of each part. Explain one of the similarities between Hinduism and Jainism. Explain one of the differences.
Explain your personal philosophy of leadership : Briefly explain your personal philosophy of leadership. Briefly explain your contribution to the team project.
Why did the second business model fail for command audio : Why did the second business model fail for Command Audio? Could that failure have been avoided?
Compare the competitors product offerings-prices : Compare the competitors' product offerings, prices, website ease of navigation, appeal, and use.



10/4/2023 3:37:11 AM

Read the instructions carefully Real images to be used. From Encounters of the material (in week1, session1 , inclass activities use paper as the topic of this assignment). Real images are to be used If he selects paper- origami is not suppose to be used And I want the work accurate Plz read all instructions carefully and the work should be accurate Everything should be from the readings. Not from outside sources.

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