Articles of confederation with the new us constitution

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133388238


Topic One: Federalists v. Anti-Federalists Debate: After the Constitutional Convention of 1787 had ended and the proposed U.S. Constitution had been submitted to the American people for ratification, public debates raged between those who supported the U.S. Constitution (the Federalists) and those who opposed it (the Anti-Federalists). One of the central issues in the debates was whether it would be possible to unite the 13 states into one great nation, under one federal government, in such a way that the individual states and their respective governments would not be eliminated - and with them, the means of securing the liberties of the citizens of America. After reviewing the readings on this topic in the Week 1 Learning Activities folder, consider the following:

  • Why did the Founders gather to replace the Articles of Confederation with the new U.S. Constitution?
  • What did each group believe influenced the U.S. Constitution?
  • Which group promoted federalism as a system of government and why?
  • Which group promoted individual civil liberties and why?
  • Which viewpoint is more important as it affects our lives today?

Reference no: EM133388238

Questions Cloud

Explain how controversies over issues such as abortion : Explain how controversies over issues such as abortion and Affordable Health Care services for Texas residents arose. Compare and contrast with Arizona.
What are the responsibilities of those committees : What legislation has your House member introduced, if any (if they haven't authored any legislation, are they a co-sponsor for any bills?).
Which frustrated class of people did they mobilize : The Sons of Liberty were the driving force in the resistance of British policies, often resorting to violent intimidation.
Define the concepts of liberty : Both Paine and Wesley insist that they are the guardians of reason and liberty, yet they come to completely different conclusions about independence.
Articles of confederation with the new us constitution : Why did the Founders gather to replace the Articles of Confederation with the new U.S. Constitution? Which group promoted individual civil liberties and why?
Explain the principles of this theoretical perspective : Please explain the principles of this theoretical perspective and provide examples of your skills with your answer.
What are ways that can congress check presidential power : What are the president's expressed, implied, delegated, and inherent powers. What are some of the ways that can Congress check presidential power?
What is the presidents legislative initiative : What is the president's legislative initiative? How does the president get Congress to go along with his legislative agenda?
Would you call for a confirmation vote on garland : Would you call for a confirmation vote on Garland, regardless of the circumstances, and no matter your partisanship?


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