Reference no: EM133659093
Assist with writing a mini critique paper using the article "tai chi to prevent falls in older adults" by naomi purdie using the questions:
Critique Questions:
1. What is the study problem? Is study problem clearly stated?
2. What is the study purpose? Is it clearly stated? does it reflect the variables being measured in the study? What are the research objectives and/or questions? Are they clearly listed?
3. Are relevant previous studies described (what is known and what is not known about the research problem)? Are the references current (number and/or percentage of sources in the last 5 and 10 years)?
4. Is the theoretical framework or study framework explicitly expressed? Does it describe relationships among variables of interest? Is there a map or figure provided?
5. What is the design of the study? Is there an intervention? If Yes, describe it? How many groups used in the study?
6. What is the sampling method used? What is the sampling size?
7. Is the study ethical? Describe the informed consent process in this study if reported? What about institutional review board (IRB)?
8. What type(s) of instrument(s) used in this study (e.g., Likert scale, physiological measure,)? Do the measurement methods, used in the study, adequately measure the study variables? Do the measurement methods, used in this study, have adequate validity and reliability?
9. How was the data collected in this study? Is the data collection process clearly described? Is the training of the data collectors reported?
10. Are the study findings/results discussed in relation to each research question or study purpose? Are significant and non-significant findings reported? Does the conclusion fit the findings?