Article gillette marketing strategy of product innovation

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133384299


1. Read the article "Plant-based brand Just Egg is running an ad declaring 'Plants don't get the flu' as chicken egg shortage continues. Identify their marketing objectives. If you had to make a communication budget, what would you recommend?

2. Reading chapter 5 In the article of "Persuasive advertisement: What It Is & How to Do It [+Examples]" discuss the factors influencing the impact of marketing communications elaborating using Pepsi and Heinz advertisements as examples

3. Marketing communications is not just advertising and branding. Based on Word-of-mouth marketing: how to drive conversations and sales at the same time, the article critically discuss this statement.

4. Based on the discussion on sources, messaging, and channeling, reflect on the video "How Apple and Nike have branded your brain your Brain on Money Big Think."

5. In the article "Gillette Marketing strategy of product innovation". Discuss the brand marketing communication strategy.

Reference no: EM133384299

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