Reference no: EM131181665 , Length: word count:1000
ASSESSMENT - Journal Article Critique
Select any one article and critique-
Task - This assignment requires you to outline (and somewhat critique) a journal article based on a topic in sport and exercise psychology. A selection of journal articles will be provided and students must select ONE to review and critique. The assignment is designed to give students insight into the methods used in psychological science. It also helps students become familiar with information presented in scientific journal articles.
Students need to provide a short description of what the authors describe in their introduction including the main aims of the research and any hypotheses (expectations) the authors have (200 words).
Students should then provide a description of the procedures - what did the authors do, who were the participants and what did the research process involve (200 words),
Students should then outline the main findings of the study (200 words) and
Outline what the authors could have done better (limitations) or what future research needs to address (200 words).
References do not contribute to the word count.
1. The impact of a team's aggressive reputation on the decisions of association football referees by MARC V. JONES, GEOFFREY C. PAULL and JOHN ERSKINE
2. The in?uence of crowd noise and experience upon refereeing decisions in football by A.M. Nevill, N.J. Balmer and A. Mark Williams
3. Self-con?dence and performance: A little self-doubt helps by Tim Woodman, Sally Akehurst, Lew Hardy and Stuart Beattie
4. Expectation Biases in Gymnastics Judging by Henning Plessner.
Assessment Criteria-
1. Detail of study methods
2. Clear understanding of study aims and main findings
3. Ability to critique.
1000 words
6 references.
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