Article about a good-service the united states exports

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM133206379 , Length: 10 Pages


First Macroeconomic Paper:

Find one or more articles about a good/service the United States exports and a good/service the United States imports. In a well-written paper, explain the following:

  • Discuss what this suggests about the United States' absolute and comparative advantage when it comes to this good/service.
  • Using the concepts of supply and demand, discuss what effect a "Buy American" campaign might have in the market for the imported good.
  • Given what economists have to say about comparative advantage, would such a campaign be good or bad?

Second Macroeconomic Papers Both double space.

From an economic standpoint, evaluate the effect of a minimum wage on the market for low-wage labor. Include the following:

  • Discuss what economic theory predicts will happen
  • Draw a supply and demand graph illustrating the effect of a minimum wage
  • Discuss what elasticity conditions would economic theory prove to be true or false.

Reference no: EM133206379

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