Art as an important component of a culture

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Reference no: EM131245436 , Length:

Art as an Important Component of a Culture

Research Question: Why is art an important component of a culture?

Thesis Statement: The reason why art is an important component of a culture is that art preserves our heritage, and art is a tool for the dissemination of culture. Meanwhile, art is constrained by the culture, subject to its influence.

Summary: Culture, as a large system, contains many subsystems. The cultural system consists of material culture, institutional culture and spiritual culture. Philosophy, religion, morality, science, art and many other subsystems were included by spiritual culture. As a unique part of culture, art participates in and promotes the historical development of human culture. As Mauro (2015) demonstrates that artembodies and reflects the various historical stages of human culture development. For the modern society, art is also a tool for cultural transmission, specifically in music, dance, painting and so on. (Pilkey 2010)However, the integrity of the cultural system determines that the subsystem to which it belongs must be attached to the culture itself. Each sub-system is mutually penetrated and influenced by other sub-system.

In my research paper, I will provide more details on my theories, giving an overview ofhow art as a cultural heritage unfolds and reflects the social scene at different stages of history as well as how art interacts with other aspects inspiritual culture and then develops into a significant character in a unique cultural. Last but not least, I will demonstrate how art as a cultural communication tool to make people with different cultures background to communicate and understand.

Essay Content Guidelines

1. Minimum (so yes, you may write more than this) of 8 pages double-spaced for the main text. This DOES NOT include the cover page, bibliography, images and/or tables

a. Must have 10 academic sources (minimum)/ Please use Carleton's Library for these sources - any non-academic sources do not count toward this requirement.

b. Cite those sources in your essay according to the Canadian Anthropology Society citation guidelines - available at:

c. Your bibliography comes at the end of the paper and is single-spaced, and in order by author's last name

d. You are encouraged to use section headings to help organize your essay

e. Paraphrase sources and only quote when there is no way to summarize the information in your own words

f. Do use tables to represent statistical data

g. All essays MUST have citations within them - all sources listed in the bibliography MUST be used in the essay

2. Have an introduction paragraph that includes your thesis statement within it - this is what your essay will argue with the evidence you provide.

a. Thesis statement - review this link for how to do so

b. Here is a good example of an effective introduction for an essay - you will see that a thesis statement clearly devised will make to crafting the introduction


3. All essays must have a conclusion that effectively sums up their argument and wraps up the essay neatly

a. Conclusions are important, not to simply sum up your essay but to establish a sense of closure and open up the reader to the implications of your work


4. If you use images, tables or other visual pieces for your essay:

a. You must label and source all images and refer to those in your essay - so, for example). That labeling must be in 10pt Times New Roman font.

b. Centre justify all images as seen in the example below

Figure 1 - Interpretations of Portrait (Bray, 2015: 128 original fig 9)

5. Spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure are all important

Essay Formatting Guidelines

- Assignment is to be in 12 pt Times New Roman Font, double spaced (except for the bibliography, which should be single-spaced)
- Insert page numbers at bottom of page
- Keep assignment left-side justified only
- Staple assignment in top corner - no duotangs, clips or other binding measures accepted - no exceptions will be made
o Order of paper - top cover page, essay, images (if not in text), bibliography

Verified Expert

This assignment has been prepared on the essay thesis statement provided by the student. Art has been explored from various perspectives in order to formulate the research essay in relationship to culture. No set reference format was provided so I have done the standard Harvard referencing in this. 10 academic journal articles have been added in alphabetical form. There is a proper title page and table of contents page in this paper apart from the main research essay.

Reference no: EM131245436

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10/17/2016 6:06:06 AM

This is an anthropology term paper. The requirement is at least 8 pages. So after include the bibliography and references, the total pages may be around 10 to 12 pages. I have already post a proposal with my research question, and write a thesis statement, but you can change if necessary.

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