Reference no: EM13371415
Q1-write a program to find average marks obtained by 10 students in a test along with algorithm?
Q2 -write a menu driven program using function to perform following operations on 1 d array?
A- Initialize 1- d array
B- Print 1- d array
C- Insert after along with algo
D- Insert before along with algo
E- Delete along with algo
F- Saerch along with algo
G- Replace along with algo
H- Sort along with algo
I- To find maximum value along with algorithm
J- To find minimum value along with algorithm
Q3 -write a menu driven program using function to perform following operations on 2- d array?
A- Initialize 1- d array
B- Print 1- d array
C- Addition of two matrices along with algo
D- Subtraction of two matrices along with algo
E- Multiplication of two matrices along with algo
F- Transpose of matrix
G- To check wheather a matrix is diagonal or not
H- To check wheather a matrix is symmetric or not
I- Print values of lower tringular in matrix along with algo
J- Print values of upper tringular in matrix along with algo
Q4 -write a menu driven program to perform following operations?
A- Find length of string
B- Copy on string to another string
C- To concat two string
D- Function for string comparision
E- To check string for pallindrome or not
F- To find sub string in long string
G- To convert lower case letter to upper case letter
Q5- write recursion function for the following:
A- Factorial number
B- Fibonacci series
Linked list
Q6- write a program of ordered linked list to perform the following operation:
A- Create
B- Insert along with algorithm
a. At first
b. At mid
c. At last
C- Delete along with algorithm
a. At first
b. At mid
c. At last
D- Display
E- Count no. Of nodes in the list
F- Search for a values in the first along with algorithm
G- To reverse the linked list
Q7- write a program of unordered linked list to perform the following operation:
A- Create
B- Insert
a. At first
b. At mid
c. At last
C- Delete
a. At first
b. At mid
c. At last
D- Display
Q8- write a program of doubly linked list to perform the following operation:
A- Create
B- Insert along with algorithm
a. At first
b. At mid
c. At last
C- Delete along with algorithm
a. At first
b. At mid
c. At last
D- Display
Stacks & queue
Q 9- write a program of stack to perform the following operations using array along with algo:
a- push
b- pop
d- function to convert infix expression to postfix
e- function to convert infix expression to prefix
f- display
Q 10- write a program of stack to perform the following operations using linked list along with algo:
a- push
b- pop
d- display
Q 11- write a program of queue to perform the following operation using array along with algorithm:
a- insert
b- delete
c- display
Q 12- write a program of queue to perform the following operation using linked list along with algorithm:
a- insert
b- delete
c- display
Q 13- write a program of circular queue to perform the following operations:
a- create
b- insert
c- delete
d- display
Q14 - write a program of binary search tree to perform the following operations:
- Createalong with algorithm
- Insert along with algorithm
- Delete along with algorithm
- Search along with algorithm
- Count no. Of nodes in a tree
- In - order traversal(recursive&non recursive) along with algorithm
- Pre - order traversal(recursive&non recursive) along with algorithm
- Post - order traversal(recursive&non recursive) along with algorithm
Q 15- construct a binary search tree where input list is:
15, 16, 5, 10, 8, 19, 4, 6, 17, 5, 21, 18, 10, 15, 6
Find its inorder, preorder, postorder traversal
Q16- suppose the following sequence first the nodes of a binary t in preorder and inorder:
Preorder: g b q a c k f p d e r m
Inorder: q b k c f a g p e d h r
Q17- insert the following list of element in an avl tree:
3 , 5 , 11 , 8 , 4 , 1, 12 , 7, 2 , 6, 10
Q18- write a menu driven program to perform following operation along with algorithm:
- Linear search
- Binary search
- Selection sort
- Bubble sort
- Insertion sort
- Quick sort
- Merge sort
- Heap sort