Reference no: EM13810929
While working with Java, one should become familiar with the term called array. An array is a category that holds more than one value at one time, a list of various items that belong to a certain category or bucket. Similar to an excel spreadsheet which contains categories and rows. The row would be the category and the columns would be the array.
In an array, related data can be collected and stored. Similar to a spreadsheet, there is a position for each row. There is a finite number starting at 0 and moving up sequentially. In processing the output, accessing the elements that will be processed for a preferred output is essential. Arrays enable the storage and management of data that are the same type, however, they are listed under one variable name. Each of the elements in an array will be unique.
Control structures are a block of code that indicates the flow of control. This would be a container series of functional calls and instructions. This concept is a main concept in high level programing, such as java. An example of a control structure would be an "if a, then b else c." An example of control structures forms are if then, subroutines, for loops and do while loops. Programmers need to be able to identify these control structures and so they will need to be formatted allowing them to be easily identified and separate from each other.
In my former career I used excel worksheets to maintain marketing products purchased every 4 months (by season). I used excel to maintain products each season for the fiscal year. In using arrays and contstructs it might look something like the below example:
Mugs prjarrays;
Public class seasonalprods{
Public static void main (string[] args){
Int 1,4,8,12, results
Int[] seasonalprods;