Arrays and control structures important tools in programming

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132940


Arrays and control structures are important tools while programming. An array contains a number of variables all being the same data type. Control structures such as selection and repetition constructs enable programmers to define variation in program flow depending upon assured conditions that could even involve repeating statements. Using Online Library, the Internet, and all course materials, research arrays and control structures.

Can you recall a personal condition where you required storing information in a worksheet of rows and columns? What was that circumstances and how would you approach solving it using control constructs and arrays? Would you require using selection constructs or repetition constructs? What would your code look like?

In your own words, post a substantive response to Discussion Board question and comment on other postings. Your response should address the DB question and move the conversation forward. You will be graded on quality of your postings, including mastery of concept as well as critical thinking. If asked for your view, do not simply state that it is a good or bad idea; detailed on your reasons and argument. Comprise enough detail to substantiate your thinking as well as your position on questions or comments.


Reference no: EM132940

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