Army sexual assault prevention

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Reference no: EM13177889

The Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program Practical Exercise .Read each scenario and determining the following: 
a. Does the scenario describe a sexual assault?
b. If so, what type?
c. If rape, what type?
d. Who is the victim?
e. Who is the alleged perpetrator

Scenario 1 Minnie Lee and Sandra Chip are both sergeant first class attending the Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course (ANCOC). They have become good friends during their training and have a lot in common. Both of them are divorced and have one child. With only a week left in the course, they decide to go to the theater to see the latest movie. As they watch the movie Minnie asks Sandra, "May I kiss you?" Before Sandra can respond, Minnie grabs Sandra and places her mouth over her lips. Sandra struggles to get away, not believing what is happening to her. After pulling away, she walks out of the theater in a state of shock and surprise.

Scenario 2 First Sergeant Lee asks SSG Long to befriend and mentor his teenage son Mike. SSG Long is a highly motivated and dedicated 24-year-old Soldier. Mike is 15 years old. SSG Long and Mike have spent many hours together, and Mike has become very fond of SSG Long and enjoys spending time with him. One day SSG Long suggests that he and Mike go on a camping trip. While there, SSG Long makes sexual advances towards Mike. SSG Long and Mike then engage in consensual sex.

Scenario 3 Sergeant Major Wayne and his wife have been married for 4 years and have kept busy with their individual careers. With their busy schedules, the Wayne'? s have a tradition of going out on a date at least once a month in order to spend quality time with each other. Mrs. Wayne has been going through some hard times at work and has lost her sex drive. While out to dinner, Sergeant Major Wayne slips some rohypnol in her drink when she goes to the ladies room. After they finish dinner, he drives them home and helps her get ready for bed. He proceeds to have sex with his wife. Sergeant Major Wayne feels what he is doing is okay because this is his wife, and it is her duty to make love to him.

Scenario 4 CPT Monk and CPT Ross have become close friends since they started working together about a year ago. CPT Monk and his wife have been having marital problems for the past six months, so he stays late at work most evenings. One evening, after working late, CPT Monk calls CPT Ross and asks her to join him for dinner because he didn't want to eat alone. During dinner, CPT Monk starts drinking too much and breaks down, telling CPT Ross all about his marital problems. CPT Monk didn't want to go home in his condition and asks CPT Ross if he could crash out at her place for the night. CPT Ross respects and trusts CPT Monk and allows him to stay. An hour later CPT Monk wakes up and goes into CPT Ross's bedroom to let her know that he appreciates her letting him stay there. While in her room, he pins down her hands and forces penetration. Afterwards he apologizes for his behavior and leaves her apartment. His action totally takes her by surprise and leaves her wondering what to do.

Reference no: EM13177889

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