Aristotles aesthetic principle

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Reference no: EM131514953 , Length: word count : 750

Select a film, short story, or drama that is worthy of your time and analysis and, using Aristotle's ideas of good dramatic storytelling from the lecture, analyze your story in a 750 word paper in APA format.

Which elements are obviously connected to Aristotle's aesthetic principles? The elements to examine include the following:

Is the story believable?

Is the action complete?

Does the action make sense according to the law of probability or necessity?

Is the action serious?

Does the action have a good cause-effect chain that increases complication and rising action?

Is the story complex enough to hold the audience's attention?

Is there a clear universal theme?

Is the plot unified?

Does the story contain dramatic irony?

Does the story contain an epiphany, or a sudden reversal of fortune?

Is the hero or heroine a character with whom the audience can identify?

Limit your discussion to three or four principles that best illustrate Aristotle's ideas. Do not try to analyze everything.

Reference no: EM131514953

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