"aristophanes is right in the clouds

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13135057

"Aristophanes is right in The Clouds: democracy automatically produces two classes of 
people--knaves and fools-and if it weren't for the support it gets from knaves and fools, there 
would be no such thing as democracy." To what degree, if any, is this true? In responding to 
this topic, be sure that you conceive of "democracy" in a way that is useful in considering 
Aristophanes' play. Don't just turn to dictionary definitions; they are merely places to start in 
thinking about the concepts you're using. And notice: this topic is about the ideas presented in 
the play, having to do with a general concept of "democracy"; it is not about specific political 
issues in our modern "democratic" world. Some brief examples of them may be all right as 
illustrations, but don't get carried away with discussing them.  

Reference no: EM13135057

Questions Cloud

Equilibrium position of foating cylinder : Determine the equilibrium position of a cylinder of radius 3 inches, height 20 inches, and weight 5pi lb that is floating with its axis vertical in a deep pool of water of weight density 62.5 lb/ft^2.
What is the amount of interest herman must pay bondholders : Herman uses the straight-line method of amortization. What is the amount of interest Herman must pay the bondholders in 2011?
Calculate the mass of steam in the vessel : A rigid vessel of capacity 0.6 m3 contains dry saturated steam at 4.0 bar. The vessel is cooled until the pressure is reduced to 2.0 bar, Calculate; a) the mass of steam in the vessel.
Length and width of rectangle : An architect has designed a motel pool within a rectangular area that is fenced on three sides. If she uses 60 yards of fencing to enclose an area of 352 square yards, then what are the dimensions marked L and W? Assume L is greater than W.
"aristophanes is right in the clouds : "Aristophanes is right in The Clouds: democracy automatically produces two classes of  people--knaves and fools-and if it weren't for the support it gets from knaves and fools, there  would be no such thing as democracy."
What amount of gain or loss would be reported : The financial statements for Perez are translated by its U.S. parent. What amount of gain or loss would be reported in its translated income statement?
Determine the total bond interest expense to be recognized : Determine the total bond interest expense to be recognized over the bonds' life. (Omit the "$" sign in your response.)
Define centrifugal clutch : Centrifugal Clutch Question, In a centrifugal clutch there are eight shoes, each of mass 0.3 kg and the centre of gravity of each shoe is at 50 mm radius when it is just touching the drum of diameter 200 mm.
Break-even monthly unit sales problem : Steckelberg Inc. produces and sells a single product. The selling price of the product is $150 per unit and its variable cost is $54 per unit. The fixed expense is $154,560 per month. The break-even monthly unit sales is ??


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