Argumentative essay - an outbreak of the irrational

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133392626


This week we will begin our argumentative essay writing.

It is key for you to understand that you must read everything in order to achieve a good grade for this essay. There are specific characteristics of an argument essay.

We will first start with the reading. Please read "An Outbreak of the Irrational" on pages 825-830 (chapter 63, titled Arguments). Make sure to read actively. Read the writing prompt on page 831 (Engaging with the Text (right after reading) number 5. This will be your writing prompt.

This week will be a bit more reading than normal, so your discussion will be short, however, next week you will be answering the questions in Engaging with the Text, this is why it is crucial that you actively read.

2. Argument Essay Reading Assignment

REQUIRED READING! Your argument essay will be the last "official" essay for this class. It is imperative for you to understand the requirements of this essay. Your entire paper MUST be in MLA format. If you are still struggling with MLA format, please refer to the videos I have posted since the start of this class.

Here are some things to keep in mind: 12 size font, Times New Roman (TNR), double space (with no added space between paragraphs), NO BOLDED OR ALL CAPS WORDS, creative title, MLA formatted heading, header with last name and page number. You will need a MINIMUM of 4 sources for this essay. Remember that each source should be used in your essay (in text citations) only 1-2 times per source. That means you should have 4-8 in text citations. You MUST include a works cited page that is in correct MLA format (in alphabetical order, hanging sources, 12 size font, TNR, no added spaces between sources). Your essay MUST be 4-5 pages in length, with an additional page for your works cited page. That means your paper should be 5-6 pages once finished.

Here are the steps for this essay: topic choice, intro with thesis and stance, counter argument with refute, outline, draft, final essay. Each week, you will be submitting a part of this essay. If you choose to write the essay prior to completing these steps, it is likely you will not complete the assignment correctly.

3.. Here are your reading assignments: Please know that I will do my best to help you locate these pages if you have the E-book, but there is only so much info I can give you:

Chapter 13- Arguing a Position. This chapter starts on page 164. Although I would recommend reading the entire chapter, only certain pages are mandatory.

Here are the mandatory pages: p.180 "Key Features/Arguments- A clear and arguable position" continue to read through p. 186 ending with "Reconsider whether the issue can be argued" Chapter 37- Arguing This chapter starts on page 410.

Please read the start of the chapter- p. 410-412. You should read these pages thoroughly and entirely. If you have an E book, these sections include: the first paragraph of the chapter (untitled), Reasons for Arguing, Arguing Logically: Claims, Reasons, and Evidence, and Qualifying a Claim. Other parts of these chapters will be required to read for each next step of the essay.

Please watch this video: Intro. to Argumentative Essay

Correct MLA format, using the required amount of sources, developing an appropriate thesis, creating a unique title for my essay, using persuasion techniques learned for my essay, and writing on an arguable topic accepted.

Reference no: EM133392626

Questions Cloud

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Argumentative essay - an outbreak of the irrational : Argumentative essay - An Outbreak of the Irrational - Arguing a Position. This chapter starts on page 164. Although I would recommend reading the entire chapter
What is marketing strategy : What is marketing? What is marketing strategy? Explain why it is important for a company to have a defined mission?
Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume : " Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume?" If you are the Human Resources, who would you hire? The silver spoon or the scrapper? Why?
How about penalties for choosing not to participate : Do you think it is ethical to offer financial incentives to employees who participate in a wellness program? How about penalties for choosing not to participate
Describe what you would do with any leftover income : Describe what you would do with any leftover income (Go out to eat? Savings for emergency fund or retirement? College savings account? Invest?)


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