Argument relies heavily on logic for persuasive power

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Reference no: EM132250576

Step 1 - Outline: Formulating a Claim and Reasons Read the Outline with Reasons document and then post your claim and two or three reasons. This will be your initial post; all of the following posts you make will be a reply to this post.

Outline with Reasons

Classical argument relies heavily on logic for its persuasive power. One great benefit of constructing an outline for this paper is that it allows you to literally see the strengths and weaknesses of your logical structure. An outline is a great way to think through your paper before you start to write. Begin your outline by writing your thesis statement at the top of the page. Recall that a thesis statement is a claim you make, a position you take. Here’s a scenario that might help you understand more clearly: Suppose you and I run into each other at the grocery store and I say to you, “In 30 years, automobiles will be obsolete.” I’ve just made a claim—made a thesis statement. Once you have your thesis statement, you will need to be able to support it, to explain why you are taking this position or making this claim. In our grocery store scenario, after I make my claim, your possible and maybe probable response to such a statement might be, “Why do you think that?” You are asking for my reasons, my logical support for my position. Your main points in your outline will be your reasons for taking this position or making this claim, your support for your thesis statement. In our grocery store conversation, I might answer, “Because the cost of fuel is too high.” I have now given you one reason. This is the logical framework upon which classical argument is built. When you make an outline of your paper, you write the thesis at the top, and then write your first main point, your first reason for taking that position or making that claim. Write that reason as a because statement—start it with the word because. Although this might sound silly to you right now, starting your reason with the word because actually serves as a way to check the strength of your logic. (Say to yourself, “In 30 years, automobiles will be obsolete because the cost of fuel is too high.”) So your outline might look like this: Thesis: In 30 years, automobiles will be obsolete. I. Because the cost of fuel is too high. II. Because people are becoming more concerned about the environmental damage done by automobiles. And so on, for as long as you can think of reasons. If you have trouble thinking of reasons to support your thesis, you may need to change your thesis in some way. (And isn’t it good to find this out now, rather than several hundred words into your draft.) You must make an outline for your Classical Argument paper. Begin by posting your thesis and 2- 3 reasons (because statements). Although you will want to create your outline as a document, so you can add to it and rearrange it and play with it as necessary, do not post your outline as an attachment; simply paste it into the message you post.

Reference no: EM132250576

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