Reference no: EM131053278
Explore a state or local social issue in your area, at least one of its causes, and a potential solution. For your topic, the social issue should be a problem that can be proven to exist and has potential to be solved.
As an academic writer, it is vital to form a working thesis about your topic early, so that you can shape your research and form an inquiry plan about the research material that you will be using. You will also need to select and analyze key concepts of the topic early in the research process.
For this Critical Thinking Assignment, you are to compose a working thesis that takes a definite position on an arguable issue and maps a few of the main points you plan to explore. Specifically, your working thesis should state a problem, describe and evaluate at least one aspect of the cause, and offer one potential solution.
For example, one could explore the recent boom in real estate values in a specific area of the nation or world. While this could be seen as a positive situation and not a problem, any dramatic increase in the cost and availability of housing can become problematic for some groups or the society as a whole. Within this topic, key concepts need to be discovered, such as what are the effects of changes in home valuations or how does sudden population growth affect a city. You will need to state and clearly specify your approach and position on the topic and argue the validity of it. You will also need to understand any potential arguments against your position.
Before you make a final discussion, try Brainstorming. Choose two or three potential topics and explore the key concepts involved to see if the topic holds your interest and is doable.
- Use first person
- Assert your academic voice
- Choose a topic related to a problem you would like to address; ask a question about how to solve the problem. The question must start with the phrase, "What would it take to . . .?" Answer the question with a thesis that names the problem, cause, and solution.
- Describe why you made your final selection and discuss in some detail the key concepts you think are important to that particular topic.
- Cite at least two sources for this assignment. You will have to cite several credible sources in your final portfolio project, so start exploring credible sources now. In academic writing, it is always best practices to cite a credible sources such as a scholarly journal article. The CSU-Global Library is an excellent place to search for credible, scholarly sources.
- Your written paper should be 2-3 pages in length.