Are your strategies and tactics effective or ineffective

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Reference no: EM131179034

Complete ONE of the following options:

Option A: Predispositions for handling conflict

Step 1: Self-analysis:

Complete the Personal Profile of Conflict Predispositions, Strategies, and Tactics on pages 418-420.

Step 2: Analysis and organization:

Introductory paragraph: Gain the reader's attention, provide a brief explanation of the purpose of the self-analysis,
and preview your main points.

Paragraph 2: Conflict style preferences discussion:

o Reveal your conflict style preferences and describe your top five style preferences-avoidance, compromise, collaboration, competition, and accommodation-in order from most preferred to least preferred.

o Explain what these results from page 420 mean to you by explaining and applying these concepts. Use information from pages 289-292 in Chapter 9 to help in your analysis. Do you agree or disagree with the results? Why, or why not?

o What did you learn from this self-analysis that you can use to better resolve conflict situations? ? Paragraph 3: Communication tactics in conflict discussion:

o Calculate results for the strategies and tactics section for handling conflict on page 420. Explain how you use conflict tactics grouped into four conflict strategies-escalation, avoidance, maintenance, and reduction.

o Review Figure 9.2 on pages 294-296, and give examples of tactics you have used to approach conflicts.

o Are your strategies and tactics effective or ineffective? Explain your answer.

Concluding paragraph: Summarize your main ideas and end with a strong closing statement.

References: You are required to use at least the textbook as a source. All sources, including the textbook, must
be cited and referenced in APA format.

Option B: Conflict resolution in your role

Step 1: Source selection:

Choose a credible article from the CSU Online Library related to conflict in organizations that inspires or
fascinates you. You may use an article from the Required Readings, Suggested Readings, or you can research a new article. To make this assignment relevant, approach it from your current role or a position you are looking to fill in the future. Explain what you learned from this article and how you can apply the concepts.

o Source must be referenced in APA style, and paraphrased and/or quoted content from the source should be
cited using APA style citations.

Step 2: Analysis and organization:

Paragraph 1: Gain the reader's attention, provide a brief explanation of the purpose of learning to resolve conflict,
and preview your main points.

Paragraph(s) 2+: Explain how information/concepts from your source can help you manage or overcome conflict situations in your current role or a role you would like to fill in the future. Here are some questions to consider to get you started:

o How have you historically handled conflict situations?

o What are some important concepts/strategies you learned from the article?

o How can you apply what you learned from the article?

o Are there any points you agree or disagree with? Why?

Concluding paragraph: Summarize your main ideas and end with a strong closing statement.

References: You are required to use at least one article from the CSU Online Library as a source. All sources,
including the textbook, must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Your Scholarly Activity must be at least one page in length. Please indicate which option you selected by including it in your assignment title.

Reference no: EM131179034

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