Are you in favor of universal databases

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Reference no: EM131355917 , Length: word count:250

Your initial discussion thread is to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Reference the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Information Sharing and Universal Databases

The use of the Internet and web-based services has the potential to integrate not only law enforcement data, but also data from other sources and to increase the exchange of information for all law enforcement. Through the sharing of information in local, state, and federal jurisdictions, it could become possible for law enforcement officials to have ready access to building permits, fingerprint recognition, out-of-state driver's license information, health information for victims, licensing information such as liquor licenses, D.N.A. information, and even facial recognition software and other biometric technology.

Some argue that a universal D.N.A. and fingerprint database, which would contain information about every American, would solve and/or deter crimes because people would be unlikely to commit crimes if they knew their D.N.A. and fingerprint information was not only "on-file," but also readily accessible by law enforcement. Based on your reading assignment for this week, answer the following questions:

Are you in favor of universal databases? How much deterrence effect do you think universal databases would have? Explain your answers.

Is there a limit to how much information sharing should be allowed throughout the law enforcement community? What should be encouraged and what should not? Explain your answers.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s), and properly cite any references.

Reference no: EM131355917

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