Are you able to understand job responsibilities of the job

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133491291


For this week, visit an online job board or the job opportunities area within your organization's website and select a job opening that interests you. In your response, share the link to or an attachment containing the job opening with the class and then review the information contained within the job opening you chose.

  • Are you able to understand the job responsibilities of the job?
  • Was it clear what the applicant requirements were? Do you feel the organization showcased itself well?
  • Did you find the job opening provided enough information to entice you complete the application process?
  • What other information would you have like to have seen included?
  • In your opinion, do you feel that the company follows federal employment guidelines?

Reference no: EM133491291

Questions Cloud

Describe an ethical framework : In answering this question, describe an ethical framework or principle that we covered in class to justify your answer.
What do you think is happening at valley winery : At this point, Waller thought he was start- ing to get a good sense of the situation. What do you think is happening at Valley Winery?
Explain what the ethics dash is in leadership : Can you please explain what the Ethics Dash is in leadership?
What is the importance of supply chain management : What is the importance of supply chain management and supply chain management systems? Explain.
Are you able to understand job responsibilities of the job : Was it clear what the applicant requirements were? Do you feel the organization showcased itself well?
What is political risk : What is political risk? Briefly describe some of the different types of political risk that MNCs face?
How critically reflective leadership capability approach : Analyse how the 'critically reflective' leadership capability approach might meet all stakeholders' contemporary needs, including the organisation itself.
What does morality play in governance of an organization : What role does morality play in the governance of an organization? Be specific in articulating its place in governance and the impact it has on results.
Review the potential impact of the consultancy intervention : A review of the potential impact of the consultancy intervention supported by a critical evaluation on how the project will meet organisational strategy.


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