Are they political or economic considerations

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131011496

Review Chapter 9 in the Global Business Today textbook.

View the video, "Regional Economic Integration Outlook for the European Union", which depicts a case study of the EU as an example of economic integration.

After viewing the video, search news articles and other credible sources that discuss the European debt crisis and the potential for the U.K. and Greece to leave the EU or at least reject the Euro (Note: The U.K. never adopted the Euro).

Navigate to the threaded discussion below and answer the following questions:

What are the major reasons for these nations to question their participation in the EU? Are they political or economic considerations?

In your opinion, given this sentiment, what are the long-term prospects for the EU? Defend your position with appropriately cited material.

Reference no: EM131011496

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