Are ma plans consistently interpreting traditional medicare

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Reference no: EM133619450


Brief I am faced with doing multifaced projects. Summary of the two HEaRT challenges are

I. Violence Against Healthcare Workers (Communications)

University of Missouri Healthcare

Since the Beginning of the pandemic, the University of Missouri Health Care System has experienced an increase in violence towards the healthcare providers initiated by irate patients and families. The facility previously developed a communication flier for the Emergency Department (ED), but the language in the flier was too harsh and not customer friendly . The facility would like to know how other organizations are communicating the handling and prevention of violence towards their healthcare workers in the emergency department and /or clinics . The facility requires an infographic which will communicate how violence will be handled and prevented in the ED or clinic settings,

II. Medicare Advantage Plan (Reimbursement Strategies )

Spaulding Rehabilitation Network ----in this challenge , I will assume the role of consultants working to identify access concerns with Medicare Advantage (MA) plans in the following areas

1. Are MA plans consistently interpreting the traditional Medicare guidelines in a manner that restricts access for patients to post-acute care? Provide evidence and rationale .

2. If MA patients had access to care in IRF, do they have the potential to recover more quickly? Provide research.

3. What mechanisms can Spaulding IRF adopt to ensure patients receive access to their services? Provide 1 to 2 methods with evidence that can assist rehabilitation patients to receive IRF level of care.

4. Describe the benefits of partnership between IRF and MA. Describe the cons of this type of partnership

Wrapping up to reflect on my practical experience. What was the most beneficial skill you learned at your practical experience site? What was the most beneficial skill you learned while engaging in your practical experience project? How do you think you will use these skills in your current or future career? As you conclude this experience, what are some ways you are considering to keep connected with your preceptor and colleagues as you continue to build your professional network? How might you utilize your connections in a future job search?

Reference no: EM133619450

Questions Cloud

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Describe one potential negative effect for patients : Describe one potential negative effect for patients when healthcare professionals don't understand and correctly apply knowledge of medical terminology
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Are ma plans consistently interpreting traditional medicare : Are MA plans consistently interpreting the traditional Medicare guidelines in a manner that restricts access for patients to post-acute care?
Review the quarterly case mix index : Summarize the results and theorize why there may have been fluctuations. Post your summary along with references you used to support your rationale
What are some possible nursing diahnosis : What are some possible nursing diahnosis for patient Julia Atho is a 78 year old female, full code was admitted on 11/13/2023
What are some ways to improve cultural competency : What are some ways to improve cultural competency within an organization? Provide specific examples to support your response.
What kind of significant issues are facing the bronx : What kind of significant issues (or problems) are facing the diabetes in the Bronx? What kind of related research questions do you want to research?


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