Are junk sms/mms worse than e-mail spam

Assignment Help Computer Graphics
Reference no: EM13951004

Would you help me with the following discussion questions?

What do you think is the worst type of unwanted electronic communication? Give your reasons. For example:

* Are junk faxes worse than cold calling?

* Are junk SMS/MMS worse than e-mail spam?

* Are Web page pop-ups, pop-unders, and Flash ads encroaching on the main page extremely annoying?

Reference no: EM13951004

Questions Cloud

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Compare and contrast deontology and utilitarianism : The Consequentialism Debate: Compare and contrast deontology and utilitarianism. Briefly discuss the differences between Bentham and Mill's versions of utilitarianism. Discuss the political and ethical implications of utilitarianism
Planning in supply chain operations management : The demand for housing is characterized by a regular pattern of increasing to a peak, then falling. When the demand reaches a low point, it then repeats the pattern. This pattern usually takes place over a 3- to 5-year period. This is an example o..
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Are junk sms/mms worse than e-mail spam : Are Web page pop-ups, pop-unders, and Flash ads encroaching on the main page extremely annoying?
Indifferent between buying or not buying the jet : The CEO of a company with $44 million in equity and $66 million in debt is considering the purchase of a company jet that will impose a net cost on shareholders of $10 million, but which the CEO personally values at $500,000. How much stock (in dolla..
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