Are employees treated as commodities at marriott

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Reference no: EM131065344 , Length:

Prepare a 2-3 page paper using APA format discussing problem.

Be sure to address each question in this problem.

Paul Krugman, Noble Economist at Princeton, states, "At the heart of capitalism's inhumanity and no sensible person will deny that the market is an amoral and often cruelly capricious master is the fact that it treats labor as a commodity". (The accidental theorist, Norton, 1998, p. 15) is it true that capitalist employers treat their workers as commodities?

In what sense is the marketplace cruelly capricious? Give examples. Contrast professor Krugman's views with those of Bill Marriott, president of Marriott Corporation, who said: One of the important things is to counter the notion that big corporations are faceless machines when employees know that their problems will be taken seriously, that their ideas and insights matter, they're more comfortable and confident.

In turn, they're better equipped to deliver their best on the job and to the customer. Everyone wins: the company, the employee, the customer. The philosophy of putting employees first is particularly important in our industry, because Marriott is in the people business, not just the service business I've said again and again that our associates employees are number one.

It won't hurt to say it one more time. Without the hard work and dedication of our team, Marriott wouldn't exit. Period. That's why taking care of our employees is a top priority for the organization.

Are employees treated as commodities at Marriott? Is their labor policy cruelly capricious or caring? Is Marriott the exception to the rule among big companies?

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The contention of the Paul Kraugman that labor are treated as commodity is often upheld by many economists and as found in many textbook where exchange of labor for consideration is mostly compared with sale of any product. But in real life, the concept can never be affirmed as labor are not commodity there lies a huge difference between this two transactions and each and every individual is priceless and therefore, such human being’s vale can never be assigned in terms of money or any other things. Capitalist is a person who value everything in terms of profit and loss and every transaction can be termed as profit or loss for them.

Reference no: EM131065344

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