Reference no: EM132855425
A DNP-NP is studying the health of a group of staff nurses at a large hospital. The following data, some of it to be used for demographic purposes, was collected. DNP-NP has posed five research questions and hypotheses for this study (for simplicity, only the Null Hypotheses are presented here). For each question, (a) determine which test should be used, (b) report on the strength and direction of each relationship and if the relationship is significant or not.
-Research Question 1: Are BMI and Systolic Blood Pressure correlated? Null Hypothesis 1: There is no correlation between BMI and Systolic Blood Pressure.
-Research Question 2: Is there an association between BMI Group and Exercise Level? Null Hypothesis 2: There is no association between BMI Group and Exercise Level.
-Research Question 3: Is there a relationship between Education and BMI Group? (Even though there is a large sample size, consider that there are only 15 DNP/PhDs in this sample, so to be conservative, in determining which test you will use, treat this as though it is overall a small sample.). Null Hypothesis 3: Education is not related to the BMI Group.
-Research Question 4: Is there an association between smoking history and diabetes? Null Hypothesis 4: There is no association between smoking history and diabetes.
-Research Question 5: Are BMI and diabetes correlated? Null Hypothesis 5: BMI and diabetes are not correlated.
//Here is a link to the data set. Let me know if you have any other questions\