Are all organisations suitable for lean implementation

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Reference no: EM13758164 , Length: word count:3000

Lean came to prominence in the academic literature during the mid-1980s as a result of the increased curiosity surrounding the ‘secret' of practical Japanese manufacturing techniques such as Just-In-Time (JIT) and the Toyota Production System (TPS) in particular. In recent years though, there has been a shift in focus towards the notion of lean thinking and a view of lean within a broader strategic context. Moreover, lean thinking has been implemented within services, healthcare, construction and other industries. Despite this, however, many authors still argue that lean is only truly applicable to large scale production.

You are asked to provide a critical discussion on the implementation of lean which addresses the following questions:

1) Is there a best way to implement lean?

2) Are all organisations suitable for lean implementation?

You are expected to provide appropriate examples to illustrate your answers.

This coursework should follow a structured approach and should be prepared and presented as a professional business report. You should undertake a relevant literature review that helps inform your investigation. Please also ensure that the Harvard Referencing System is adhered to and fully complied with.

Reference no: EM13758164

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