Arasites and hosts

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132808493


These are the general guidelines for the second synopsis of your textbook chapters, which is on chapter 7. This chapter focuses on the set interactions that we described in lecture as "Consumer vs. prey or host", in which one interactant gains and the other loses. As you will not doubt be aware by now, this set of interactions constitute the majority of the harm that insects cause to people and society. Therefore, the purpose of the synopses is to ensure that you are properly engaging with the material covered in the textbook, and are properly integrating the basic biology of the insects that we discussed in lectures on the ways in which insects impact humans. To this end, here I provide you with a series of questions to guide your reading and facilitate your synopses. Your synopses should be concise, but complete, answers to these questions.

1. What is the biological meaning of the term parasite?

2. What anatomical features do ALL insect ectoparasites share? Give some examples.

3. What anatomical features do ALL insect endoparasites share? Give some examples.

4. Why do we find a preponderance of parasitic insect species within the advanced orders that have complete metamorphosis?

5. What behavioral and anatomical features are co-opted for parasitic lifestyles by insect orders that are otherwise free living?

6. What are the differences between vessel feeding and pool feeding insect parasites? Illustrate you answer with examples.

7. How does the tsetse fly (Glossina spp.), a strict blood feeder, avoid vitamin deficiencies? How does it convey this ability to its offspring?

8. What is the seven-year itch and what causes it?

9. How does Dermatobia hominis cause myiasis?

10. What insect orders are mostly responsible for envenomization injury in humans?

11. What substances are most commonly found in insect venoms?

12. Explain the statement, "Allergies are, from the [human] bodies perspective, a good idea gone awry"....pages 200-201.

13. What characteristics are used to classify all lice into order Phthiraptera?

14. How do lice spread the deadly disease typhus?

15. Typhus was the deciding factor in which major world conflicts? Please explain.

16. Why was Typhus not a deciding factor in World War II?

17. What is the life cycle of the human flea, Pulexirritans?

18. What causes the sylvatic plague? And, what are the differences among the following types of plague, bubonic, septicemic and pneumonic?

19. What was the major difference between the third [bubonic] global plague and the first two?

20. What features of the life cycle of mosquitoes are common to all species of mosquitoes?

21. In what way did mosquitoes force the USA to participate in the Spanish-American war of 1898?

22. How did "Camp Lazear" show, definitively, that mosquitoes were the vector of yellow fever?

23. What other arboviruses are associated with mosquitoes of the genus Aedes?

24. What are some distinguishing characteristics of the mosquitoes found within the genus Anopheles?

25. What are the symptoms and clinical manifestations of malaria?

26. What tools are used in the fight against malaria and mosquitoes?

Reference no: EM132808493

Questions Cloud

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Lymphocyte development and during infection : Describe at least three ways in which immunoglobulins (or their genes) change over the course of a B lymphocyte's development and during infection.
Insects as pests and vectors of disease : Insects as Pests and Vectors of disease. How does a single cycle disease differ from a secondary cycle disease when pathogens are transferred by insect vectors?
Intimate relations-why do ants protect the aphids : They have been on dry land, insects have been interacting with plants and other animalstoform a variety of alliances and partnerships.
Arasites and hosts : This chapter focuses on the set interactions that we described in lecture as "Consumer vs. prey or host", in which one interactant gains and the other loses.
What causes factions and why are they dangerous : What causes "factions" and why are they dangerous? Moreover, why does Madison think it makes sense to have a strong central government?
Piston-cylinder with cross-sectional area : A piston/cylinder with a cross-sectional area of 0.01 m^2 is resting on the stops. what should be the water pressure to lift the piston?
Using plants to clean up polluted soil : What causes the contamination? How can plants clean a contaminated soil? What ingredient's that are find in plants help eliminate the contamination?
Compute the amount that neil must deposit now : Compute the amount that Neil must deposit now for the investment to be worth $200,000 three years from now. Use the Time Value of Money table attachment.


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