Appropriate response and recovery personnel

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Reference no: EM133547250


Typically responses to disasters and trauma fall into three broad catogories. What are these catogories, and how can a community planners be better prepardedtp provide education and training to appropriate response and recovery personnel.

Reference no: EM133547250

Questions Cloud

Outdoor environments to protect children from harm : As early childhood professionals, we must constantly monitor indoor and outdoor environments to protect children from harm.
What challenge is with the current policy solution : What the challenge is with the current policy solution (e.g., implementation issues, evaluations showing it's not effective, funding is inadequate
Proposed methods and discussion : Proposed Methods. Proposed Results. Proposed Discussion
Most effective for treating addiction : Which psychotherapeutic approach do you think is most effective for treating addiction?
Appropriate response and recovery personnel : What are these catogories, and how can a community planners be better prepardedtp provide education and training to appropriate response and recovery personnel.
What is defensive pessimism and strategic optimism : What is defensive pessimism (DP) and strategic optimism (SO), and how might DP be adaptive for the individual?
Stem cells are unique : Stem cells are unique in that they can turn into any cell that is needed, with the chance to replace those cells that have died off.
Edgework is risky-radical behavior-emerging adults engage : Edgework and other forms of risky behavior are indicative of this part of the lifespan. Edgework is risky or radical behavior that emerging adults engage
How early exposure to aversive childhood experiences : Describe how early exposure to aversive childhood experiences predispose the adult to medical and psychiatric disorders?


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