Appropriate amount of background information for audience

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132364140

1. Develop Your Written Communication

a. State your key message clearly

i. Do not "bury the headline" - the main point should be presented directly

ii. Your key message must be clear and concise

b. Provide the necessary information and build credibility

i. Provide an appropriate amount of background information for the audience, given the type of communication

ii. Get to the point without unnecessary verbiage

iii. Build your position as an expert or trusted colleague

c. Support your key message with three or four supporting points/reasons

i. Supporting points should be appropriate for the context and needs of the audience

ii. Reasons should be compelling and relevant

d. Employ either the Consult/Join or Tell/Sell techniques

e. Clearly relay to the audience an actionable request

Attachment:- Job Opportunity Interview.rar

Reference no: EM132364140

Questions Cloud

Ethical behavior is corporate issue : Ethical behavior is a corporate issue that affects the company's bottom line. How do ethical issues impact organizations and operations?
Communication plan final proposal : Students effectively communicate as a consultant for Best Game Productions.
What was effective and what was less than ideal : The recruitment and staffing function is an area that is often outsourced. Employers use third parties for pieces of recruiting such as advertising.
Describe organizational structure and management philosophy : Describe the organizational structure and management philosophy you will incorporate to hire great people and develop team unity.
Appropriate amount of background information for audience : Develop Your Written Communication, Provide an appropriate amount of background information for the audience, given the type of communication
Accumulated substantial sums of cash : Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corp are identified as companies that have accumulated substantial sums of cash.
Discuss risks and biases for chosen organization : Discuss risks and biases for a chosen organization. How can they taint analysis? How could you minimize resistance to the use of analytics-based decision making
Discuss other viewpoints or opposing viewpoints to program : Describe whether the program is effective and offer evidence to support your rationale. Discuss other viewpoints or opposing viewpoints to the program.
Create new pyramid of success model : Create a new Pyramid of Success model based on your analysis of John Wooden's Pyramid of Success and provide rationale for each aspect or step of this new model


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Operation Management Questions & Answers

  Completing the comprehensive project

What competencies were you able to develop in researching and writing the course Comprehensive Project? How did you leverage knowledge gained in the intellipath assignments

  What is the yield of the overall process

What is the yield of the overall process? How many units would the process have to process to get 50 units of good output?

  Define each of the moral philosophies

define each of the moral philosophies (Instrumental and Intrinsic Goodness; Teleology; Deontology ; Relativist Perspective; Virtue Ethics; Justice ) and then discuss how they can impact our ethical decision-making process. In addition,

  Strategies when resources are constrained

A project manager has fewer options for accelerating project completion when additional resources are either not available or the budget is severely constrained

  According to recent article in forbes magazine

Scenario According to a recent article in Forbes Magazine, What factors do you think are influencing the supply and demand of the product/good/service.

  Each criterion is advanced prioritization matrix

How well each option satisfies each criterion is an “advanced prioritization matrix”.

  How do hunters and gatherers view rights to land

How do hunters and gatherers view rights to land? What can an industrial, modern society learn from hunter-gatherer societies?

  The arbitrator and constituents play in the process

Select any form of arbitration and discuss the roles that the arbitrator and constituents play in the process.

  Consider person who is joining sorority or fraternity

Consider a person who is joining a sorority or fraternity, or attending college or boarding school, or even a child beginning kindergarten. How is the process the student goes through a form of socialization? What new cultural behaviors must the stud..

  Large percentage of its revenues from foreign sales

The Hollywood film industry garners a surprisingly large percentage of its revenues (nearly 75 percent) from foreign sales.

  Safety needs-social-esteem needs-self-actualization needs

Which of the following needs are fulfilled by Charity more than the other managers? Safety needs Social needs Esteem needs Self-actualization needs.

  Supply chain can be real source of competitive advantage

It has often been said that a well managed supply chain can be real source of competitive advantage. Why? Please provide at least three reasons to justify you answer.

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