Applying the australian accounting standards

Assignment Help Financial Accounting
Reference no: EM133538513 , Length: word count:2000

Advanced Financial Accounting

Assessment - Statement of Advice

Your Task

You must prepare a Statement of Advice (SoA) that addresses all the questions raised in a letter.

Assessment Description

Assume that you are a team of graduate accountants working for Pinnacle Pty Ltd, an independent Consulting & Accounting firm located at 11 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000. Among other things, your firm provides its clients with advice regarding accounting issues, including applying the Australian Accounting Standards in preparing Financial Reports. You must prepare a Statement of Advice (SoA) for National Ltd to address several accounting issues raised by Ms. Sullivan Sampson on behalf of the company's directors. Ms. Sampson has raised these issues in a letter.

The maximum length for the SoA is 2,000 words (+/- 10%) You should address all the technical issues in your advice, followed by a Reference List. Marks will be awarded based on two components:

Technical component 30% - This includes the technical discussion in your SoA, the explanation of each issue, and the sources used. You must analyse the information provided and recommend the correct accounting treatment. You must justify your recommendations by referencing specific paragraphs of relevant accounting standards. You must explain the rationale behind each accounting standard requirement.

Communication Skills (Writing Skills) component 10% - marks will be awarded based on your ability to gather information and effectively communicate strategies to the client as part of the SoA. It will also cover the generic skill of writing, clear meaning, structure and organisation, appropriate tone and grammar, spelling, and punctuation, etc., throughout the whole assignment.

Additional Requirements

1) You must include the following in your Statement of Advice (SoA):
a) Cover Page should include:
i) name/logo of your accounting and consulting firm
ii) The words "Statement of Advice"
iii) Who the document is prepared by
iv) Who the document is prepared for
v) Date
vi) Brief information on what the document is about
b) Table of Contents
c) Recommendations and explanations - include in-text referencing
d) Conclusion
e) Reference list

2) Any sources that you use need to be acknowledged in order to avoid plagiarism. Information on referencing can be found under "Study Resources - Academic Skills" on MyKBS at this link.

3) You must identify and refer to specific paragraphs of the relevant accounting standards in your advice.

Attachment:- Advanced Financial Accounting.rar

Reference no: EM133538513

Questions Cloud

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Applying the australian accounting standards : Applying the Australian Accounting Standards in preparing Financial Reports. You must prepare a Statement of Advice (SoA) for National Ltd to address several
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Define blended families to include step-parent, step-child : Define blended families to include step-parent, step-child, step-sibling, and half-sibling and explore boundary ambiguity as it relates to family relations.
How is sexism explained by the authors of our text : How is sexism explained by the authors of our text? Using specific examples, discuss how society propagates misogyny and objectification of women.


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