Applying programming skills to develop an effective program

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM133757532 , Length: word count:1000

Fundamentals of Programming


This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will develop a Python 3 program that uses ChatGPT.

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate your ability to apply the programming concepts and techniques covered in the course to develop a practical application in Python. You will be required to use the ChatGPT to generate a minimum of 20 records with at least five fields (see example below) and process the data in your program using the concepts covered in Weeks 1-7. The outcomes that you will demonstrate in this assessment include:
Developing proficiency in the Python 3 language.
Applying knowledge of data structures and control flow to create a functional program.
Applying programming skills to develop an effective program.

To submit your assessment, you should create a single Python file and upload it to the LMS. Your Python file should be well-documented and include comments to explain the functionality of your code. You should also include a report with explanation of how you utilised ChatGPT in your program.

Learning outcome 1: Interpret simple program specifications.

Learning outcome 2: Use an integrated development environment to develop, debug and test a solution written in a programming language.

Assessment Instructions

Use the ChatGPT to generate a minimum of 20 records with at least five fields.

Develop a Python program that incorporates all the topics covered in Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 to process and manipulate the generated data.

Concepts that are not covered by end of Week 7 are prohibited.

The program must request for user input and user input data validation. Program must have user interactivity and choice for user to use the program for as long as they want.

Submit your Python program and a report outlining the details of your program, the ChatGPT details, the data generated, and the methods used to process and manipulate the data.

Ensure that your code is well-documented, with comments explaining the purpose of each line of code.

Your program should be efficient and error-free, with well-structured and optimised code.

Reference no: EM133757532

Questions Cloud

Validity of pattern analysis of the wechsler scales : The validity of pattern analysis of the Wechsler Scales: is well established in clinical settings, has yet to be resolved
Discuss three risks that could cause patient harm : Discuss three risks that could cause a patient harm in the hospital and include at least one strategy that can be implemented to help improve the risk.
Reconstruction failed as a result of southern racism : Make an historical argument in response to this statement: "Reconstruction failed as a result of Southern racism. Agree? Disagree?
Review the end-of-program student learning outcomes : Students will review the end-of-program student learning outcomes (EPSLOs) listed within the syllabus and discuss how they met these outcomes.
Applying programming skills to develop an effective program : Explain the functionality of your code. You should also include a report with explanation of how you utilised ChatGPT in your program
Ethical principle is applied when those with decision : Which ethical principle is applied when those with decision-making capacity are provided information and support to make own decisions regarding healthcare?
Elderly male client is brought to the hospital by ambulance : An elderly male client is brought to the hospital by ambulance. He has been unable to urinate since the prior evening. He is quite uncomfortable
Nursing profession and adherence to ethical principles : The nurse practitioner demonstrates the attributes and perspectives of the nursing profession and adherence to ethical principles
Why did the great war divide the progressives so deeply : Why did the Great War divide the progressives so deeply? How did progressive reforms during the war lead to the demise of the movement?


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