Applying immersive visualisation techniques

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Reference no: EM133581780 , Length: 14 Slides

Data Visualisation Software

Assessment - Storytelling, modeling and immersive environments

Your Task

To apply theory learnt during the first three weeks of the subject, as well as researching the references supplied in order to answer particular questions.

Assessment Description

- An individual PowerPoint presentation explaining particular concepts relating to visualization.
- We have supplied starting references. You are encouraged to research and use additional references

Question 1

Use Tableau or Power BI to visualise the closing price of each of the following four commodities - copper, gold, platinum and silver
Tell a story about movements in the prices of each of these commodities. Fit a trend line through each data set for telling your story.
To assist with telling this story, read the following articles and apply the principles described therein.

Your story should include 10 slides, with references.

Question 2
Read the article below, which explains the importance of visualization techniques evolving to keep up with changes in industry, such as the fourth industrial revolution.

Having understood the context and connection between Industry 4.0 and visualisation, go to the Visme chart gallery and observe the charts and their applications. This software is obviously relevant to Industry 4.0.

By observing the chart types, create one slide which describes four common modelling techniques that are relevant to this visualisation software?
Create a second slide to explain how you would apply these modelling techniques to the data set provided in Question 1

Question 3

Given that virtual reality (an immersive environment) is one of the sophisticated visualisation techniques used in Industry 4.0, create one slide which describes the application of immersive environments in business. Do not use an example from the workshop - you must research the articles below to find your own.

Now create a second slide to explain how you could enhance your story in question 1 by applying immersive visualisation techniques.

Reference no: EM133581780

Questions Cloud

Analyzes and interprets disease and procedure classification : analyzes and interprets disease and procedure classifications and terminologies. It includes system design, screen design, and report and forms design.
Identify potential risks from use of dietary supplements : Identify three potential risks from use of dietary supplements. Describe three situations in which use of dietary supplements is warranted.
How can you apply therapeutic communication techniques : A new diagnosis of a chronic disease can be difficult for pediatric patients and their families to process. How can you apply therapeutic communication
What is each authors central opinion on the issue : What is each author's central opinion on the issue? Identify at least three main supporting details each author uses to support their argument.
Applying immersive visualisation techniques : By observing the chart types, create one slide which describes four common modelling techniques that are relevant to this visualisation software
How can you implement the findings of this article : when caring for patients with DVT; treatment/management. Review the article and the findings. How can you implement the findings of this article in your future
What is your preferred financing source to grow the business : What is your preferred financing source to grow the business? Why? Did you use the Weighted-Average Cost of Capital to help you select the financing source?
What dosage of oral meperidine will be required to provide : The current IM dosage is 75 mg every 4 hours as needed. What dosage of oral meperidine will be required to provide an equivalent analgesic dose
What social and economic factors contributed to the quality : What social and economic factors contributed to the quality of health care outcomes in communities during the COVID-19 outbreak? Discuss how CQI principles were


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