Reference no: EM133155284 , Length: word count:2500
E7V0035-2021 Evidence-based Public Health and Health Promotion
Mental Health Among Nurses During And After COVID-19 Pandemic in India-A Sysemic Review
TASK: Applying health promotion approaches
Read the case study and answer these questions:
- Which health promotion approach(es) are appropriate for this case?
- What are the values and assumptions underlying your choices?
- Which approach is the highest priority?
A Search of the academic databases for evidence (LO3&4) & answering of Questions to help you do this A Completion of a Data Extraction Table
A 2500-word Essay
Demonstrate the ability to conduct a critical literature review in your field of practice and critically reflect on the search strategy.
To meet LO3 you will need to undertake a search within the academic databases available to youand complete the 8 questions below to demonstrate that you understand how to do this, why the search you have done is relevant to health promotion and what you have found.
1. Broad area of interest: This should be related to Health promotion
2. Why is this relevant to your area of practice? You should provide a reference to support your suggestion as to how and why this broad area of interest is relevant and important to your field of health promotion. The importance to practice of understanding this aspect of evidence should be made clear.
3. Question you want to ask of the literature: This should clearly be related to the broad area of interest but show the ability to focus on a specific and searchable aspect (e.g. if the broad area was Diabetes, one would expect the questions you might ask to besomething like; ‘What are the healthy lifestyle to adopt that can reduce negative impact in people with Diabetes?' or ‘Is there a relationship betweeninsulin intake and reduction in diabetes complications in people with Diabetes?' ‘How is Diabetes described by those who live with it?'
4. Search terms used: You should here indicate the words and phrases that you used within your search. Boolean operators that you may have used should be indicated
5. Search restrictions: You will need to include the search restrictions you used within databases such as full-text, geography, language, date range.
6. Databases used: You need to include the names of the databases you have searched and any search engines or websites
7. What sort of evidence have you found? This is a key question to provide evidence of reflecting on search strategy. You will need to identify the designs of all 4 articles accurately.
8. Why did you finally select the4 articles to include in your table? You need to consider here factors such as country of origin, contemporary nature, perhaps its match to the specific area of interest, or a philosophical point of view. Supporting references arerequired here to say why these things are important when choosing to reduce your initial larger find of papers down to the final 4.
LO4 Compare and contrast a variety of research methodologies and other approaches that underpin evidence-based practice.
To meet half of this outcome you will need to identify what sort of research evidence you have found, as evidenced by including accurate and sufficient detail from research found and included in the ‘data extraction table' as per below.
(The other half of this outcome will be achieved within the Essay by continuing to compare and contrast methodologies during the critique of your selected article)
Briefing for the 2500-word (+/- 10%) Essay
In summary the essay is a critique of the selected published evidence. The word allowance is for the Essay part of this assignment only. You do notcount or include the words that you have already written to answer the8 Questions and complete the Data Extraction Table.
LO4 Compare and contrast a variety of research methodologies and other approaches that underpin evidence-based practice.
Within youressay you will need to provide evidence of considering whether the research designs and data collection/analysis methods (used by the researchers producing the evidence that you have included in your data extraction table) were suitable for what they were setting out to achieve,if you think they could have been improved upon, or whether a different approach could have resulted in more robust or meaningful findings. To do this you will need to compare the positives and negatives of the 5 articles in your table in a systematic manner.
LO5: Critically evaluate research evidence related to your field of practice
In order to meet this outcome, you must be able to produce a coherent and accurate essay in which a judgement on the quality of the evidence selected for review is produced, based on an argument built by using research theory, and/or a critiquing framework appropriate to the evidence type/s, or a system of critique described by a relevant author.
This judgement must include consideration of whether the evidence would be useful within practice and tell us how you have made that judgement.
This should state your intention (to critically evaluate/critique) the articles that you have selected to include in your data extraction table and suggest why this is an important skill to acquire and demonstrate within public health.
You may wish to include consideration of what makes a meaningful critical review/critique.
You should also include here any framework/s, or system of critique described by a relevant author that you intend to use to undertake your critique, reference it, and tell the reader why it is appropriate to use.
Main body;
In this section you must write in a critical style; therefore, you must be able to identify key strengths and weaknesses of the 4 research-based articles that you have included in your data extraction table and discuss implications for practice and/or further enquiry.
A critical review is a systematic examination of the strengths and weaknesses of the way in which the researchers have designed and conducted the work.
In writing your results you will have tobrieflydescribe what the researchers have done, and then go on to say whether the approach can be said to be consistent with the intentions of the researchers, and if it was the best approach to use in comparison with the other studies reviewed, using the guidance pointsbelow.
To judge value, you will be looking at whether the studies are valid, reliable, transferable, credible, confirmable, and if they could be applicable in practice.
Guidance points: to judge value you will need to;
Come to conclusion about each paper's value. Many of the critiquing frameworks you can use or the ways of thinking about critique tell us that you need to consider the following, but importantly for each aspect you consider in your essay you will also need to know how you came to that judgement and include references to the research theory that guided you to form that opinion.
- Was the presentation clear, logical and in line with expectations of the audience/s?
- Do the articles convey clearly the context/background in the introduction and in the literature reviews?
- Have the researchers shared the aim of their research? And if they have, does the design of their research fit with that intention?
- Were the methods used to collect and analyse the "data' appropriate?
- Was the data analysis appropriate for that type of data?
- Were the ethical principles surrounding the process of research adhered to?
- Were the results presented and discussed in a way consistent with the design of the study and what it set out to do?
- Did the researchers share any consideration of any limitations of their own study? Would you agree or disagree with their considerations? Why?
- Were the results considered in connection with what the researchers originally said that they were setting out to achieve? (E.g., If the researchers were setting out to see if one interventionis better than another, then do they discuss the degree of certainty that the study has been able to produce)
Writing about the articles; contrasting and comparing.
For the first article from your table that you discuss, you will need to present a summary of the paper as per the above guidance points.
You will then need to do the same for Article 2 but this time state;
Does this article provide supportive or contradictory findings to Article 1?
Is it of superior or inferior quality research?
Is it of equal quality but providing a different perspective on the same thing?
Is it of greater or lesser relevance to practice?
Articles 3 to 4 - as above repeat and add onto your comparisons and debate between articles.
You should include in your conclusion a summary of the key findings.
Gaps and weaknesses/strengths should be summarised.
The application to practice should be made clear.