Apply pattern recognition

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133218157

Johnson is searching the best products to sell online using Amazon. He wants to select the best-selling products in the last six months. He searches for the people trends on different social media platforms. He is setting a criterion using 6 critical points. Based on max price, weight, item type, buyers age group, buyers' location, and shipping fee he is searching for the best-selling Items. His search shows that people prefer apparels and accessories, in a price range of $ 50, max weight of 2kg, in age group of 13 to 25, mostly from big cities and shipping fee of $5. Furthermore, he found that 70 % of these customers purchase multiple items online in a price range of $ 30 $ 50. He collected all these results using an online application specially designed for this purpose. His search also needs the sorting feature to get more accurate results. In order to accomplish all these tasks he needs an application for storing all this information and comparing results periodically. He wants to use these results to find out the best selling items.

Describe, in detail, at least two major logical parts of this problem where you would have to apply pattern recognition (not data representation).

What patterns are revealed and how does this help in providing a better solution to this problem?

Reference no: EM133218157

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