Apply inventory management systems

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM132599105 , Length: word count:1000

LO 1: Differentiate between and apply inventory management systems methods and concepts

LO 2: Compose the results of operations and case studies effectively in writing the results of operations analysis and case studies

According to the assigned case study, Consolidated Electric was faced with an inventory level vs. customer service tradeoff. Review the assigned case materials provided and answer the following questions:

Design an inventory control system for this business. Provide the formulas you would use for a P System, Q system, or other system you design. Compare these to the formulas currently used. Examine the data from the Appendix to note any peculiarities in demand your system might encounter. What would you do about them?
Describe how the system you have designed will help the company meet customer service and cost objectives.


The paper should be at least 1,000-words

The paper should be APA-compliant paper comprising your response

Minimum five full pages of content (Word Document) of strategic material (does not include cover page, abstract, nor reference pages)

All charts, graphs, pictures are to go in the appendix (not a substitute for content)

Reference no: EM132599105

Questions Cloud

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Apply inventory management systems : Differentiate between and apply inventory management systems methods and concepts and Compose the results of operations and case studies effectively
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