Apply critical thinking and effective decision making

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Reference no: EM133585499

Assessment Instruction:

Topic: What are the most effective teaching methods for students with learning disabilities?

Literature Review

Write a 4-5 page literature review that synthesizes the sources you found related to your research question. Introduction Welcome to your second assessment! (This is not so bad now, is it?) Read each portion of the assessment carefully and see if the suggested resources can help you complete it.

Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence. Overview For this assessment, you will write a literature review. Now that you have found resources related to your research question, the next step is to look further into how they relate to each other and shed light on your research question. Not only will you be writing literature reviews in some of your future courses at Capella, but these skills will also help you in your future career in whatever specialization you pursue. For example, as an addictions counselor, you might need to develop a treatment plan that is suited to a particular situation. You will need to turn to the literature to understand what is known and what is not about that situation. Using critical thinking skills, you can find themes and determine what course of action your treatment plan should take. Behavior analysts also rely on the literature to determine evidence-based practices when assessing, setting goals, and developing support plans for clients and students.

Preparation Complete the following if you have not already: Analyze the sources you found in your preparation activities. Review the Literature Review Template. You will need to use this template when writing your paper. Use the Literature Review Worksheet worksheet to help you work through the process of identifying themes in your research and synthesizing the articles into your Literature Review. Review the Literature Review Assignment Exemplar [PDF], which provides an example of a literature review. Instructions Complete the following in your assessment template: Introduction State your research question and explain how it relates to your specialization and professional interests. Synthesis of Literature Into a Cohesive Review Identify at least three key themes, or focuses of inquiry, that are relevant to your research question and present in each article.

These themes may be based on: Related aspects of research questions. Related or differing conclusions. Other factors or ideas the studies have in common. Other points of contrast between the studies. Use concise formulations of these themes as headings for the next sections of the paper. In these sections, compare and contrast your resources'' positions relative to each theme, and then synthesize your own position relative to the theme. Support your conclusions by citing your references. Granello''s 2001 article, "Promoting Cognitive Complexity in Graduate Written Work: Using Bloom''s Taxonomy as a Pedagogical Tool to Improve Literature Reviews," provides a framework and strategies to help you work through this part of your assessment.

Conclusion Restate the conclusions you came to regarding the themes you explored with your research. Support your conclusions by citing your references. However, if you find that more research would be needed to decide a question, briefly outline ideas of how you could undertake that research. Before You Submit To maximize your scoring potential, be sure that you fully address all assessment requirements and meet the criteria in the scoring guide that will be used to assess your assessment. It is helpful to self-score your paper using the scoring guide before submitting, to be sure that you are meeting criteria for the grade you want to earn. Additional Requirements Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and format. Include a title page, abstract, and reference list. See Evidence and APA for more information.

Resources: Minimum of three scholarly resources. All references need to be cited in-text, according to current APA standards. Remember that citations are to support your thoughts, not take the place of them!

Length: 4-5 double-spaced pages, not including the title page or reference page. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Template: Use the Literature Review Template [DOC] to format your assessment. Competencies Measured By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze the role of the practitioner-scholar model in guiding professional development. Explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.

Competency 4: Apply critical thinking and effective decision making. Identify themes that are relevant to a research question and present in each scholarly resource cited. Use critical thinking tools to synthesize a cohesive review of literature concerning a research question in psychology.

Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology. Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.

Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references. Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.

There is a difference between a research paper and a literature review. A literature review summarizes and critically analyzes the existing research on a particular topic. The research gathered must be the basis of a research question. There is an example of this assignment on the assignment page that you can review as a guide.

Example, What is the impact of social media on mental health?

What are the most effective teaching methods for students with learning disabilities?

Reference no: EM133585499

Questions Cloud

Explains relationship between psychology and christianity : Viewpoint slide(s) that explain the view you have chosen and how it explains the relationship between psychology and Christianity.
Nurse provides care for client diagnosed with hypocalcemia : The nurse provides care for a client diagnosed with hypocalcemia . the nurse teaches the client about calcium supplements.
What is the role of art, according to ma : What is the role of art, according to Ma? How does Ma's analysis of art change the relationship between art and effective altruism that we discussed
How cultural historical and local factors have an impact : How cultural, historical, and local factors have an impact on situations, events, issues, or phenomena related to human development from the chapter adolescent.
Apply critical thinking and effective decision making : Apply critical thinking and effective decision making. Identify themes that are relevant to a research question and present in each scholarly resource cited
Determine how we should act in a particular situation : there are clear cut facts relating to the moral realm and we can use these facts to determine how we should act in a particular situation.
Discuss your strengths and areas for improvement for clients : If no instance of challenging occurred, discuss your strengths and areas for improvement for challenging clients. Points should be supported with an example.
Discuss how judaism experienced a crisis of conscious : how some Jews, like Richard Rubenstein, who seriously started to question their faith and traditions. For our discussion, I want us to focus on this phrase
Develop teaching plan for infant with cleft lip for parents : Develop a teaching plan for an infant with cleft lip for parents at an appropriate literacy level.


Write a Review

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