Reference no: EM132404069
The purpose of this assessment is to apply conceptual knowledge about issues of diversity in the workplace to a specific context. This assessment will assist in developing skills associated with becoming an advocate for appropriate equity, diversity and inclusion practices in organisations. You will choose a particular problem that exists within a particular organisation, and will present - based on academic research - a solution to that problem.
This assessment involves two components. The first is an oral presentation (20%), focusing on your ability to effectively communicate (verbally) an equity, diversity or inclusion issue, and a potential solution, in a workplace setting. The presentation will be supported by the second component, a written briefing (20%), detailing the research and data to explain the issue highlighted in your presentation and to provide evidence for the solution put forward.
PRESENTATION: You are required to give a three-minute / three-slide-maximum presentation to the class (along the lines of the three-minute-thesis concept) detailing a diversity and inclusion action you would like to introduce to address a particular problem within your chosen organisation. The news stories we have gathered throughout semester can be a useful starting point for this exercise.
Imagine you are pitching the idea to an executive committee or leadership group within the organisation, and structure your presentation accordingly.
Imagine you are pitching the idea to an executive committee or leadership group within the organisation, and structure your presentation accordingly. The action can be small and specific, or large and ambitious - this is completely up to you. The organisation should be based on a real-life example - even your own workplace, if you so choose. You will receive formal feedback on your presentation from the course co-ordinator and informal, positive reinforcement from your fellow students.