Apply a sociological perspective to the social world

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Reference no: EM131524304


Choose one of the following questions:

1. Do people adjust their behavior and presentation of the self to affect the opinion of others? Would you say that we have different "social selves" that we present in different settings? How does this relate to the concepts of front and back stage as well as the techniques of social actors discussed by Goffman?

2. Do you think the mass media significantly contributes to the socialization process? When answering this question be sure to identify and describe the major agents of socialization in U.S. society today. Does the media have more influence over socialization than the other agents of social control? Why or why not?

3. Select a topic of contemporary relevance that is of interest to you (for example, poverty, juvenile delinquency, teen births, or racial neighborhood segregation). Briefly describe why you selected the topic. Using what you learned in this chapter, create a simple research question about the topic. Match your research question to an appropriate research method and describe how as a sociologist you would conduct the research to answer your proposed question.

The Forum meets the following course objectives:

Apply a sociological perspective to the social world

Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.

Recognize and define social structure and social interaction.

Demonstrate the ability to identify, locate, and retrieve information related to the topics in the course.

Describe the major research methods used in sociological research.

Instructions for all Forums:

Each week, learners will post one initial post per week. This post must demonstrate comprehension of the course materials, the ability to apply that knowledge in the real world. Learners will engage with the instructor and peers throughout the learning week.

To motivate engaged discussion, posts are expected to be on time with regular interaction throughout the week. All posts should demonstrate college level writing skills.

To promote vibrant discussion as we would in a face to face classroom, formatted citations and references are not required. Quotes should not be used at all, or used sparingly. If you quote a source quotation marks should be used and an APA formatted citation and reference provided.

Attachment:- chapter.rar

Reference no: EM131524304

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