Application using arrays to manage personal financial record

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13700719

Program: You are to design a Java application using arrays to manage personal financial records which include expenditures and incomes.

Each expenditure or income includes the subsequent data:

  • Date
  • Amount
  • Purpose
  • Payee/payer

The program must have the subsequent operations:

  • Add or delete records (expenditure/income)
  • Modify records
  • List records sorted by Date or Amount
  • List total expenditures, incomes and balance
  • Search for a record by Date, Amount, Payer/Payee, or Purpose

The program must use object-oriented design and add at least two classes: Record and RecordManager. Since we have not learned how to use files to keep updated data and do input and output, initial data will be generated by using a random number generator and there is no need to save them after the program execution ends.

You need to prepare a program to manage the financial record.


Reference no: EM13700719

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Application using arrays to manage personal financial record : design a Java application using arrays to manage personal financial records which include expenditures and incomes.
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