Reference no: EM131071286
Book Review Paper Instructions
Two book reviews will be completed for two separate grades. The first book review will be over the Collins text and will be due in Week/Module 3. The second book review will be over the Grodzki & Allen text and will be due in week 5.
Each book review must be 4-5 full pages and include the following 3 sections:
1. Overview/summary of author's key points
2. Personal response
3. Application to you as a life coach
Other specifics:
• Each book review must include an abstract page, title page, and reference page, but these pages are not included in the page count.
• The paper is to be an original work of the author and written solely for this course.
• The paper must be written using APA format (6th ed.) and include title, abstract, and reference pages.
• Must be submitted as a Word document (.doc or .docx).
• Any references must follow APA formatting guidelines.
Assessment of the Assignment
Please refer to the grading rubric and instructions for this assignment.
The paper must be submitted to the correct link by the deadline of the given week (11:59 pm ET); no late work is accepted or graded.
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