Application that displays a menu of three items in a resto

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13940701

Write an application that displays a menu of three items in a restaurant as follows:

(1) Cheeseburger 4.99
(2) Pepsie 2.00
(3) Chips 0.75

Prompt the user to choose an item using the number (1, 2, or 3) that corresponds to the itme, or to enter 0 to quit the application. After the use rmakes the first selection, if the choice is 0, display a bill of $0. Otherwise, display the menu again. The user should respond to this prompt with another item number to order or 0 to quit. If the user types 0, display the cost of the single requested item. If the user types 1, 2 or 3 add the cost of the seocnt itme to the first, and then display the menu a third time. If the user types 0 to quit, display the total cost of the two items; otherwise, display the total for all three selections. Savce as

Modify the application in Ã?xercise 9a so that if the user makes a menu selection he or she has already made, ignore the selection - this is, do not add a second price for the same item to the total. The user is still allowed only three entries. Save as

Reference no: EM13940701

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