Application that converts u.s. dollar values to euro values

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13940857

Help with writing an application that converts U.S. dollar values to euro values. The application should have methods for getting user input and doing the conversio ...there is moreshow problemI need help with this:

Help with writing an application that converts U.S. dollar values to euro values. The application should have methods for getting user input and doing the conversion. The application should first ask the user for the current exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and euro. It then asks for a dollar amount and displays the euro amount. It will continue until the user enters $0. The application will trap for any negative dollar values and allow the user to re-enter until they give a non-negative value. You are given the application file and are required to develop the EuroConverter class. Notice that not all methods will be used in actual application, however we want to always design robust classes. EuroConverter UML is as follows:

- _conversionRate : double
+ EuroConverter(initialRate : double)
+ convertToEuros(dollars : double) : double
+ getConversionRate() : double
+ setConversionRatre(newRate : double)

Download Conversion Application that I uploaded.

I also need you to let me know what changes you made to the code in order to get it too work.

Attachment:- ConversionApplication[1].zip

Reference no: EM13940857

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