Application that calculates and displays the total payable

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13897476

Assessment task

Write a java application that calculates and displays the total payable after applying discount on online grocery orders for N customers. The N should be set as a constant (final) in your application and choose a value between 7 and 9. The discount rates are as shown below in Table 1.

Table 1: Discount Details

Purchase Amount

Applicable Discount Rate %

Below $75


>= $75 and < $100


>= $100 and < $150


>= $150 and < $200


>= $200


The program should ask the user to enter the first name of the customer and the total purchase amount in dollars. The purchase amount should be between 10 and 400. Validate the user input, display error message and allow the user to correct the error by reading two more entries for the purchase amount.

Based on the purchase amount, the program should apply the applicable discount and calculate the total payable amount. The application should display a message with first name, and total payable. At the end of the Nth customer the program should display a summary of purchases displaying the largest purchase amount, smallest purchase amount, total payable for all customers, and total discount amount applied. The format of your input and output must be same as given in example below.

Enter the name for Customer 1: John
Enter the purchase amount for Customer 1: 68 Hi John, the total payable is $68.0

Enter the name for Customer 2: Sally
Enter the purchase amount for Customer 2: 95 Hi Sally, the total payable is $90.25

Enter the name for Customer 3: James
Enter the purchase amount for Customer 3: 140 Hi James, the total payable is $130.20

The application should be user-friendly by displaying appropriate welcome and exit messages. The following classes and methods could be used.

public class Customer
//declare constants
//declare fields/attributes to store the name and purchase amount
// constructor
// Accessor, mutator methods (get and set )
// Method to calculate total payable applying discount.

public class CustomerTest
//declare constants required
public static void main(String[] args)
//create object
//Loop through taking user input for name and purchase amount and use set methods
//calculate total payable using the defined method
// compute other required values
//print output as shown in the example

Note: Once you complete coding and testing, go through the marking criteria to ensure that your application meets all the requirements. Avoid any sort of plagiarism.

Reference no: EM13897476

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