Reference no: EM131088466
Application: Organizational Analysis Paper
Throughout this course, you have examined many different methods and strategies for improving performance, increasing throughput and profit, and designing more successful organizations. In this Application Assignment, you will synthesize concepts from The Goal with ideas conveyed in How the Mighty Fall to analyze the level of success of a company.
To complete this Assignment:
- Select a company discussed in How the Mighty Fall. You can opt to use a company that fell apart or a company in the control group.
- Using the information in How the Mighty Fall for the company you selected, construct a simple cause and effect diagram.
- Explain the key features of your diagram and your thought process as you developed it.
- Briefly describe the lessons you learned as you analyzed an organization in terms of improving performance, increasing throughput and profit, and designing more successful organizations. Explain how you can use these concepts in the future.
This week you will begin working on your Organizational Analysis Paper. By Day 7 of this week, you will post your draft on the Discussion Board for this Assignment. By Day 6 of Week 7, you should comment on and perform peer reviews for two postings made by other students.
Peer Review Guidelines: First and foremost, you are expected to provide substantial and meaningful input to your peers that is specific and makes it clear that you have read and seriously evaluated the work. You may provide comments on organization, grammar, and APA. The main thrust of your feedback should be related to the content of the paper, and your goal should be to provide feedback that will further assist your peers in developing their paper. You should remain professional in your tone at all times. Note: Comments like "Good Job" or "Interesting Paper" may be made as encouragement, but will not count for credit toward your peer reviews.
Note:The final version of this assignment will be due by Day 3of Week 8.
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