Reference no: EM132324011
Your 15-page research paper will be on the application of remote sensing in one of the following areas:
a. Plant Sciences
b. Earth Sciences
c. Hydrospheric Sciences
d. Land Use and Land Cover
What kind of information can be obtained and how is this data used? Why is your chosen application necessary? What's the purpose of your chosen area? Those are just a few questions to think of when writing your paper. Be sure to include the remote sensing systems used to obtain data in your chosen application.
Assignments will be graded against the elements listed in the Writing Assignment Rubric. All written submissions must:
Be typewritten in double-spaced format submitted inside the electronic classroom (unless classroom access is not possible and other arrangements have been approved by the professor).
Be a minimum of 15 pages of narrative in length (filling space with illustrations, lists, charts, etc. will not count toward the minimum length)
Be Arial or Times New Roman (11 or 12-point) font.
Be formatted with page margins Top, Bottom, Left Side and Right Side = 1 inch, with reasonable accommodation being made for special situations and online submission variances.
Use endnotes
Contain a title page, endnotes page, and bibliography
Be proofread. I expect the paper to be free from spelling, punctuation, grammar and factual errors.
Must cite at least 6 references for this paper (one of which can be the textbook) and at least 2 must be obtained from a scholarly journal in the APUS online library.
Must not use Wikipedia as a source - Wikipedia is not an appropriate source for college papers.
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