Application of middle range theories in nursing practice

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Reference no: EM133796279

Theories In Nursing

Assignment: Application of Middle Range Theories in Nursing Practice

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Based on the Case Study of Ms G. (presented below) and your readings in Smith (2020) and/or Peterson and Bredow (2020), or theories from other health related disciplines, such as:
Lazarus & Folkman Stress & Coping McCubbin's Family Resiliency Model Fishbein's Theory of Reasoned Action
Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior
Health Belief Model
Olson's Circumplex Model (Family) Belsky's Parenting Model
Locus of Control
Selye's Stress Model
Theory of Learned Resourcefulness Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory
Family Life Cycle
Aguilera & Messick's Crisis Intervention Theory

SELECT ONE Middle Range Theory that you believe would be appropriate to guide the nursing care of Ms G.

Based on the Selected Middle Range Theory Discuss the Following:
Theory Development
Key Concepts
Propositions of the Theory

Based on the Middle Range Theory:
Identify Three Nursing Assessment Questions
Identify Three Nursing Actions (Interventions)

Write one research question based on the middle range theory and the care of Ms G.

Discuss how knowledge of a middle range theory has informed or guided your nursing practice in the care of Ms G.

Case Study of Ms. G

Demographic Information: 42-year old Hispanic female
Primary Care Clinic Visit: Appointment made in primary care clinic for recurrent vaginal infections and follow-up for atypical cells on pap smear.
Initial complaint: "I am having bleeding between my periods. I have pain in my abdomen and back. I have been feeling lousy for weeks."

Diagnosis: Stage III Cervical Cancer

History of Present Illness Book your online assignment help today!
Current admission to the medical-surgical unit for a total abdominal hysterectomy
Post-operative day 3: Patient reporting abdominal pain (7/10 in intensity), intermittent nausea with vomiting, chills and sweats, anxious mood, generalized weakness and insomnia. No frequency on urination or urinary burning. Reports slight red vaginal discharge.
Emotional Outlook: Crying: States "I knew something bad was going to happen to me. Am I going to die? God is angry with me."

Past Medical and Surgical History
History of constipation since childhood. Takes Metamucil daily to promote regularity
History of asthma
Termination of pregnancy six months before her divorce since her husband did not want any more children and unstable relationship
Psychiatric History
Post-partum depression after each pregnancy. Treated with anti-depressants and counseling.

Social History
No history of substance use
Reports two to three glasses of wine with dinner every night
Limited social network since divorce
Unable to work at present- income $31,000 per year

Cultural/Spiritual History
Family originally from Puerto Rico.
Faith-Catholic though has not attended church recently.

Sexual and Reproductive History
Menarche age 12; sexual abuse age 14 by family friend
Two Cesarean sections (Patient's age 24 and age 29)
Used birth control pills
Has new sexual partner who she met at work
Family History
Sons have been delinquent at school; participation in gang activity
Unavailability of support of parents due to their own chronic illness (Father-prostate cancer; Mother- depression)
Activities of Daily Living
Limited energy to perform IADLs or ADLs.

Reference no: EM133796279

Questions Cloud

Reflect on your practicum experiences and relate them : Reflect on your Practicum Experiences and relate them to your Professional Goals and Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills that you identified in Week 10
Address any necessary laboratory or diagnostic testing : Address any necessary laboratory or diagnostic testing and the clinical significance of these diagnostics for your diagnosis or ultimate treatment plan
Create a powerpoint presentation with a realistic case study : Nus 509 create a PowerPoint presentation with a realistic case study and include appropriate and pertinent clinical information
Plan an evaluation strategy for each objective : List three objectives you want the reader of your infographic to achieve and Outline the content you will use in the infographic to help your reader achieve
Application of middle range theories in nursing practice : NGR5110 Theories In Nursing - Application of Middle Range Theories in Nursing Practice - Write one research question based on the middle range theory
What is the leading diagnosis : The patient states she has been having 6 bowel movements a day. There is no radiographic evidence of colonic distension. What is the leading diagnosis?
What information should be contained in the nurses response : The parent of a 13-year-old child with special health care needs reports concerns. What information should be contained in the nurse's response?
What are some of the symptoms or feelings reported : What are some of the symptoms or feelings reported by patients with this disease? Are these signs localized or systemic?
How are you going to practice safe body mechanics : You have a client that requires maximum assistance with bed mobility. How are you going to practice safe body mechanics and help client roll from side to side?


Write a Review

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